Welcome to Lemonscribs' website
For business inquiries please email [email protected]
please scroll down to get to know me, my other websites and projects. It would mean a lot to me if you looked through my art!

Hi! My name online is Sila or Lemonscribs. I'm a 24 year old freelance artist.

I am from Europe, more specifically Austria. Sharks and aesthetic objects are my forté but I am also well versed in botanics and not as well versed in chemistry.My favorite activities are working on my semi-open species "Sharkies", which you can find on their own website Sharkie-pond

This is my mascot, Taco! He's a Sharkie from my semi-open species and loves food and cuddling. His favorite activities are going for a walk and including himself in any and all situations.You can actually get WhatsApp stickers of him for free here: Stickermaker Website


commissions: open
custom adopts: open
art trades: for mutuals
species: active ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ

talk to me about vocaloid, anime, manga, music